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        Once upon a time I dreamed to travel the world. I dreamed also to be a teacher someday. To meet this dreams happened what I do is I need to put my steps forward one at a time. I pursue my studies until university life and I take up the course Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English. Since my parents doesn't have a job I help myself by looking for a job for me to continue my dreams. When I reached my 4th year in school our school department head Ms. Barbara Lagos and our dean Ms. Felina Espique announced and advertised that there is  a program made by SEA Teacher Project wherein the student will be an exchange student to teach in the other country in Asia to have a one month practice teaching. When I heard it I told myself to join this program and I immediately earned money and I relay it to my siblings and they supported me. I passed all the necessary requirements to be qualified as an exchange student and I finally made it.


        My dream to be a teacher and to travel the world have finally came true and I feels like I am hitting two birds with one stone. I am so excited at the same time I feel nervous because it was my first time to leave Philippines, my first time to travel alone and my first time to do practice teaching in a foreign country. Indonesia was the place wherein I conducted my one month practice teaching. I am very thankful to the Lord because He gave me this opportunity to experience to be an exchange student. I thank Untirta University for being so kind to me when I was in Indonesia. I thank also Pondok Daar el Qolam for giving me the opportunity to learn and teach English in their school the administration and students are very kind and hospitable.

        This one of a kind experience will remain in my heart and never be forgotten. In attending to the SEA Teacher program as an Exchange student means a lot to me. I learned that dreams are meant to be fulfilled. Poverty is not an excuse to meet it. There are many ways to meet it if only you have that determination and strong conviction to fulfill your dreams. I also learned that pushing yourself to the limit will give you the avenue to figure out yourself. Trying new things in life, going out from your comfort zone and exploring the new trends in life will teach you great things promising experience. I also learned in this program to be flexible, adaptable and how to interact with other people with different nationality. I didn't regret to attend this program even though I used my own money and it is quite costly.

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