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School profile


Pesantren or boarding is the genuine institution of Islamic education in Indonesia. 

Pioneer of new style of modern Pesantren in Banten that combines male and female students in one class during their class activities and paid serious attention not only in religious study but in exact and social sciences.

​Is part of the development of the Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School. Because of that, it still maintains Islamic boarding school education with the characteristics that are in Daar el-Qolam 1 and 2. The Islamic Boarding School program in Daar el-Qolam 3 is specifically for educating junior high school graduates with three years of education and formal education in the form of high 

School system

MMI Education System Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School 



The implementation of formal education at Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School is a unit known as Madrasatul Mu'allimîn Al-Islamiyah (MMI) , which began in 1968 with a 6-year study period for elementary / MI graduates (for regular programs), while for graduated from junior high school / MTs, initially MMI offered a 4-year study period, but starting in 2010 MMI also offered a 3-year study period (intensive program).


The formal education above is the implementation of the mission of the Islamic Boarding School institution that prepares superior and quality individuals towards the formation of theKhaira ummah (the best generation) issued to humans. In addition, as a special mission is to prepare cadres of scholars and leaders of the ummah who are mutafaqqih fi-al-din , both as scientists / academics and as practitioners and are able to carry out da'wah.

Education at MMI Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School is held by implementing a tiered classroom system that is divided into academic and semester years. 



Academic year

          -It is divided into two semesters, namely odd semester and even semester, each of which consists of 14 (fourteen) meeting weeks. Between odd and even semesters, MMI Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School conducts semester examinations whose objectives and implementation are governed by the rules of the MMI Boarding Boarding School Daar el-Qolam.

History of the colour of the school campus

The school building colour combination is purple and green.
Purple stands for health and green is a favourite colour of the school president.


Sir Anwar is my receiving university coordinator from Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Untirta)

Before I go to the receiving school which is Daar el Qolam the receiving University (UNTIRTA) gave us a short meeting with the university president.


After the short meeting was a picture with the instructor of English in the University.

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